The purpose of this section is to have the final checks in place to get started on your process mapping. You know your objectives, you know the people involved, you know where and when… now it’s the practical aspects of how.
The process maps follows different stages - for procurement this relates to different steps outlined in the Sourcing Playbook; whilst contract management reflects the various elements required to complete the commissioning lifecycle.
Whilst the stages are at the top of your process map, your swim lanes run vertically based on the activity, who leads that activity, what decisions need to be made and which documents are relevant:
The post-it notes, in different colours, relate back to the swim lanes. Post-it notes are useful touse as they can be moved around if you realise your process is out of sync. If not keen on using post-it notes just use marker pens in different colours.
This is really key.
As part of the preparation think about the questions you want to ask. As you’re going through the business process mapping, you’ll want to be looking out for inefficiencies, duplications, and realise if there is abetter way to do things. Below is a list of questions that you can use to help challenge your current process. They’re just suggestions, but they’re a great starting point!
We’re almost ready to get started. Here’s a checklist to make sure you have everything you need to make the most out of this exercise before you begin:
9. Set your itinerary
Setting and sharing the plan for the sessions in advance is important. Three hour chunks of process mapping is enough as people’s energies will start to wane, and another top tip is making time for breaks, specially lunch, to regain that energy.
Allow time for talk, but try to keep on subject. If a burning issue is raised though not really relevant to the task in hand, write it down on a flip chart to record and review later.
The below is a sample itinerary which we will explore in the following stages.
10. Pre-meeting
You are so nearly ready to get going! One final thing, have a pre-meeting with all the participants. This can be a virtual meeting, but so incredibly useful for everyone to know what to expect from the sessions – some people might not have taken part in business process mapping so give them some visual clues from this toolkit and check out what they want from the session.